The Clue to President Obama's flip flopping; It Is the Slight difference Between His Brain and Mind.
We will have to put under the microscope president Obama's past life to understand the forces that have shaped his self identity. We mostly perceive our self identity as one whole unit stemming from our own true self. In reality our self identity is shaped by the inbuilt brain/mind/true self/body/situational reality structure; each providing it's own emotional ingrained ingredients to the compound self image. Thus the self is a mixture of the brain generated self image, the mind generated self image, the true self, the body generated self image and the situational self image.
Every self identity starts off in the womb and is subsequently shaped by one's early upbringing. Judging from president Obama's personality it is very clear that he has had a very healthy upbringing. He turned out to be a very extravert and well rounded personality. His brain generated self image, his mind generated self image, his true self are all on the same page. These are all well integrated which means he has all the charter traits of a wise human being. More or less he has taken good care of his body so the body self image adds to the awesomeness of his compound self.
His situational reality does not look that good; as a result his brain is tired and overworked. His mind is tired and his body is tired. How has he driven himself into such a corner? How can such a wise and over the top street smart genius get to this?
Well I have put his brain and mind separately under the microscope and I have found that his mind is among as good as the very greatest of our Presidents. However due to no fault of his own there is something very interesting in his brain structure that is my duty to share with our fellow citizens.
The core substance of a person's very being is forged during the first 6 years of one's life. The ambiance and emotional environment of one's group core beliefs play the crucial role of embedding themselves into the actual physical brain structure providing the core beliefs a very physical biochemical foundation. It is the mind that consciously as well as subconsciously absorbs and assimilates the belief system and gradually passes it on to the brain. The brain develops its own personal reality soaked in the belief system provided by the mind. The day in, day out feedback from the mind gets integrated into the unconscious brain changing the brain physically. Thus the foundational group beliefs get embedded at the biochemical level and the person's brain projects the group prejudices at the unconscious level; the brain and mind project the group emotions at the subconscious level and the mind projects the same emotions at the conscious level.
When the youngster is taken away from one belief environment and put into another belief environment if the child's new environment is a more loving environment then the mind gradually switches without much hitch from the old belief to the new belief. Gradually the old belief system embedded at the subconscious level also gets ground down till it disappears and is replaced by the new belief system. However, at the unconscious level the old beliefs are well embedded in a biochemical foundation that is not just emotional but also physical. This foundation also gets slowly chipped away and what is left gets pushed deeper and deeper into the unconscious.
The way the brain and mind work, for adults the first impression is said to be the last impression; so just imagine the first belief system's impressions day in and day out for a few long years. These prolonged first impressions on a subjective and very impressionable brain/mind of a child leave their so called scars for ever. As they say you can take the belief out of the person but you cannot take the person out of the belief. So at the mind level the persons new belief takes a firm hold at the conscious as well as the subconscious level. And the person is saying the truth when he says that he is totally the new beliefs adherent. However at the unconscious brain level, unknown to the person, a good chunk of traces of the old belief will always remain and these can never be eradicated at the physically biochemical and unconscious brain level. However to investigate a person's current beliefs one has to take into account the child's early religious environment and history. We will have to examine the beliefs of the parents. and what kind of school the child has been sent to.
In the case of President Obama the crucial questions are:
1) Did his mother also convert to Islam?
It is very clear that his mother did not convert to Islam which means she must have celebrated Christmas and if President Obama the child enjoyed the Christmas celebrations it means he consciously and unconsciously admired the Christian rituals and thus even the Christian faith from the very early unconscious brain stage. Also it is very clear that his mother having married a Muslim even the second time means she was very liberal and unorthodox. This must have created an unorthodox and liberal attitude even in Obama.
Loving and accepting his mother at that early stage meant loving and accepting all Christians at the unconscious brain level. In fact I have advocated different faith dolls to eradicate hate. You see in a Muslim house the early brain is exposed to Muslim, Muslim, and Muslim only; and so the unconscious belief of a larger than life importance of Islamic beliefs gets embedded at the brain and mind levels.
Now a child gets pleasure from his toys. Anything that gives one pleasure one loves and respects. I have suggested/invented this concept that if a Muslim child is given a Hindu doll then he will get pleasure from playing with the Hindu doll. Thus he will love and respect his Hindu doll. So the actual reality of life that the child is hidden from; that the world has other faiths too; will be introduced early on and when the Muslim child groups up and meets Hindus the love for the Hindu doll will trigger the love for the real life Hindu. In the case of President Obama he had every moment contact with his Christian mother who was a source of pleasure, happiness and comfort and so the love for Christians and Christianity came unconsciously with the upbringing provided by his Christian mother. So President Obama's conscious, subconscious and unconscious brain and mind got biochemically charged with pro Christian bias. The fact that at an early age his Christian grandparents took over his upbringing, his respect and love for Christianity being already in place it was very easy for his brain and mind to embrace Christianity at the unconscious, subconscious and conscious level. Both his brain and mind embraced Christianity with ease.
2) Another important question is how did his Muslim step father treat him?
If his Muslim step father treated him badly or even treated him not as good as his Christian mother then even this factor resulted in Obama ending up unconsciously at the brain level, liking the Christian faith more. One thing is certain; his Christian grandparents definitely treated him better than his Muslim step father and so at both the brain and mind levels the unconscious link to Christianity resulted in greater respect and reverence for the Christian faith.
Also anything that gives the child pain the child will hate. If President Obama's step father mistreated him then he will end up hating his step father and by extension he will also hate all that is connected with his step father including religion. This does not seem to be the case as when a child experiences hate it develops shyness, edginess, becomes short tempered etc.. And as this is not the case with President Obama it is clear his step father treated him well.
3) Another question is was his step father orthodox and which parent treated President Obama with more love, pleasure and comfort?
And if he abused and mistreated President Obama harshly then this too would result in President Obama not liking all that was associated with his step father, including religion. Which parent treated the child better will also affect by extension liking the religion of the one who treated him better. It is obvious that his step father most likely did not treat President Obama as well as he was treated by his mother.
4) Were his grandparents practicing Christians?
I do not know the answer to this question. If they participated in church activities regularly then this must have been a source of happiness for the child President Obama and thus it too will have reinforced the Christian faith in him. Thus even if at the deep core unconscious brain level President Obama may still have Muslim beliefs embedded in his brain; these beliefs will not amount to much except they will influence him unconsciously to respect the Muslim faith. Every reason why Muslim countries must give him space and trust him.
Also one must not forget that President Obama was exposed to both Christian and Muslim beliefs from the very beginning of his unconscious brain's learning journey. And there is every evidence to suggest that he is a genuine Christian, as the early brain is favorably disposed towards pleasure and it is clear that the Christian side of the family provided President Obama with more pleasure.
However there are other factors to be considered; growing up in a particular religious environment, even an orthodox one, does not ensure an orthodox outcome. Just as two siblings grow up with the same genes and the same environment and yet one turns out into a liberal and the other orthodox. Judging from President Obama's behavior one can see that even his harshest critics agree that he is an extreme liberal! It clearly shows that President Obama is a Christian.
President Obama said the other day that he embraced the Christian faith by choice. It is quite possible that he became a Christian because his unconscious brain was already favorably disposed towards Christianity.
The fact that President Obama was identified as a Muslim till the age of twelve and was living in Indonesia makes it quite possible that he identified also with being an Indonesian.Living in Indonesia he must be very popular with his friends and in his school due to the fact that he was part American, as all third world countries admire America and feel deep respect towards Americans. They must have considered him lucky to have an American mother. This VIP treatment must also have made him feel proud of being American.
However living as a Muslim till the age of 12 and living in Indonesia the emotional belief environment must have unconsciously rubbed off on him and as a result deep down an element of identifying with the host country and the Muslim religion must have crept deep into his unconscious brain. Thus a deep down feeling of us and them must have crept up. Us and them as in us Indonesians and them Americans. This us and them is so deep down that it does not matter except when huge decisions have to be taken. Thus when the mind of president Obama says this is the right action for us Americans and there is opposition to it then deep down the brain of president Obama kicks in as in; 'them Americans do not want it so who am I to impose?'
So the mind of president Obama retreats and bows to the brain. Just as his mind has this full urge to stop feeding the brain nicotine but the addicted brain over rules the mind and so president Obama uses the nicotine patches.
Sajid Ali Khan
4th R* Foundation
233 East, 59th Street
New York NY 10022
212 421 4848
* The R stands for truth/reality. Truth/reality is not just a moral issue it is a much bigger health/economic/life/pure happiness/well-being issue. One can get away with falsehood when it comes to the ropes of life but when it comes to living ones life then truth is an essential factor in a top quality physical and emotional life.
All our emotional problems stem from not knowing, understanding and actualizing our true self. It is because our true self is hidden under the cloak of our part phony self image that we have all these problems in life. From economic troubles to depression from jealousy to suspicion, from anger to restlessness are all due to the part falsehood/emotional-baggage that runs our brains/minds. So the 4th R/truth is a very essential life factor; especially an emotional health factor.
Please check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"If you are thinking of a divorce"
"Who am I"
"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"
"A Message for Bill Gates"

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