4th R Foundation: Our Ignorance Powered Self Image is What Drives Our Lives and Shapes Our Destiny.
Almost 70% of America believes in Jesus Christ and we keep asking ourselves, 'What would Jesus do'? Why don't we follow the way of the Bible and do what Jesus clearly wants us to do. I have come to Jesus not because Jesus is the son of GOD. I came to Jesus because he is the one who is giving us the correct knowledge of wisdom. Jesus is showing us the scientifically sound way to wisdom and a wise society - the ultimate goal of philosophy as laid out by the ancient philosophers.
"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstrating of the Spirit's power. So that your faith... rest on... GOD's Power." - 1 Corinthian 2: 4-5
We are clearly being told that it is GOD's power that creates wisdom. In science terms the Spirit means the human mind, which is our pure consciousness. So what we are being told to do is to develop our full humanness/pure-consciousness potential and thus create a super mature mind free of all the emotional baggage of the brain/flesh.
The ancients settled on a managed life through controlling behavior by creating laws. They knew that a Utopian society involved creating wise human beings. As wisdom was out of the question they settled on managing society. But management was a second class choice. Till today we are still using this second class choice as our top and only policy. This reluctant and second class choice has resulted in a second class life for the whole society. So what we do is; it is like the heat system in the house is broken and instead of fixing the heat system we put on the AC. The excess heat continues to emotionally and physically harm the brain, body and mind. And the person's mind has to struggle to live within the laws of the land by managing the behavior of the brain driven self image. Managing behavior has barely worked but look at what the individual, society and country looses.
Behavior is a symptom of the individual's core self. Trying to control behavior is like trying to control a fragrance. Take a flower and try to control it's fragrance. As long as the flower is not changed physically the fragrance will remain the same no matter what one does.
Bad behavior springs from the self image, which itself is a symptom of the core self. All the ills of society occur because we try to control and manage the self image through laws. Suppose there is a fire and what we do is we try to control and bring down the heat and try to stop the smoke without putting out the fire. This is how we manage the phony self image. The self image is a byproduct of biochemical reactions that take place in the brain. When the brain continues to generate an ignorance powered self image then no amount of laws is going to change the core behavior of the self image. The self image will continue to pretend and fake good lawful behavior and will break the law at the first chance it gets to accomplish it's own ignorant goals.
It is like suppose the self image is that of a monkey. For all practical purposes the monkey self image will know, understand, become and behave as a monkey. What the government does is it ignores or is ignorant of the fact the self image of the monkey is what the government is dealing with. The monkey self image is innately produced by the ignorance powered brain. If we retool the brain we can change the monkey self image to a human self image. But what we do is we expect the monkey self image to behave within the human laws of the government. So we virtually force the monkey to behave like a law abiding citizen.
We at the 4th R Foundation have figured out that wisdom is an innate property of the pure self. So to make society wise all we have to do is make the self pure.
The core self quality determines the self image quality. We have to find ways to change the core self into a super mature emotionally intelligent self. The super mature pure self is powered by selflessness. Selflessness can be nurtured and cultivated from the womb onwards in our current and future generations and it can be created by retooling the brain of the adults. We do not need to produce animal self images and then try to control the herd behavior through laws and management. Expecting good human behavior from animal self images is insanity as it has proved futile for 1000s of years.
There are many factors that combine to create the self image. There is the mind generated self image. The brain generated self image. The pure self generated self image. The group and country generated self image. The life situation generated self image. The good and bad habits generated self image. The physical body generated self image. Each one of these self image components have to be analyzed separately and steps taken to make them become super mature emotionally intelligent. The mind generated self image is shaped by one's regular education. The brain generated self image is generated by one's upbringing. The pure self is one's super ego and conscience. The group and country self image is shaped by the beliefs of one's group and many times the narrow minded and group centered beliefs lead to wars and rivalries. The current life situation like being jobless or born rich etc has it's own impact on the self image. Habits have their own stamp on the self image. Physical health as well as one's concept of beauty all have their own component in the compound self image. The make the self image super healthy all the components of the compound self image will have to be fine tuned to as close to perfection as possible.
Every self image is powered by emotional intelligence; where emotional intelligence is to the self image what blood is to the human body. The purer the blood the healthier the body; the purer the core self the healthier the self image. The quality of the self image is determined by just one factor - the ability level of the self image to perceive the reality of life and everything else in it just the way it is. There are broadly four levels of self images:
1) The -2 premature self image. This is the self image that is developed through 'womb-conditioning', the shaping of the physical and emotional brain/mind by the nine month long womb environment. Womb-conditioning creates an omnipotent and omnipresent self image. Some have their brain stuck at this level even though their mind and body develops to the next level. Thus we have -2 people who are totally self centered, greedy, criminal and or emotionally challenged. So ignorance, the opposite of wisdom is total self-centerdness/selfishness.
2) The -1 immature self image. This is the self image that is developed through the after birth period by the parents upbringing. The self image that is generated by a brain that gets emotionally stuck at this level is corrupt. The bottom line self image of this level brain level is, 'I may not be important today but one day I will be by hook or by crook. There is a huge level of selfishness at this stage. Whole countries are -1 as a result of the majority of the people being -1.
3) The +1 mature self image. The majority of Americans bring up our children with loving care and provide our children with a nurturing emotional intelligence and intelligence environment. However we integrate into the brain structure a feeling of, 'I am the best'. As a result we deliberately create a trophy self image in the majority of Americans. So for most Americans the mind moves on to +2 super mature while the brain gets stuck at +1. It is our trophy self image that has created the current crisis for America and unless we wake up to this destructive traditional American belief our life situation will continue to go down. Our leaders must at least listen to us on this one and take steps to stop this traditional parental belief that they can fulfill their own life success dreams through their children. We must stop creating +1 trophy self images and start creating +2 pure selves. We need to create a +2 America all the way with a +2 mind/spirit and a +2 brain/flesh! We have the plan. Please google, 'self image therapy by sajid khan'. In fact in google search, 'self image therapy' brings up our 'knols' (google's units of knowledge) on the top.
Scholarly articles for self image therapy
Client-centered therapy - Rogers - Cited by 5442
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III - Millon - Cited by 391
Cognitive-behavioral body image therapy for body … - Rosen - Cited by 204
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4) The +2 super mature self image. A good 15-20% of America is at this level where the brain and mind both are +2 super mature. The self image is selfless at this level. This is the level where the brain/mind complex is wise. The brain has no emotional baggage at this level so there is no selfish self image to filter and distort the out side in reality. The self at this stage is pure and oozes wisdom innately and unconsciously.
Super mature emotional intelligence = wisdom = selflessness. Thus in order to define wisdom we can say wisdom is selflessness. To make mankind wise all we need to do is create selflessness across the board on a mass scale. What we need is exactly what our profits have been saying all along. We have to get rid of the ego by getting rid of the self image.
The quality of behavior is an indicator of the quality of the very nature of the individual's human nature. It is an indicator of the self image of the person. Instead of improving the quality of the self image we manage the self image, leaving the pure self un-actualized, frustrated, guilty, angry... The human mind works in images. It takes it's phony self image as the pure self and as a result for all practical purposes it takes on the human nature/ego of the self image and behaves according to the human nature/ego of the self image. It is like a phony animal self is what most people become. No wonder most have a hard time controlling and managing even our own emotions/identity.
Thus society and the government has to contend with the inferior animal in man, the fake self image; but above all the individual's pure self has to contend and struggle with it's own fake self image.
Here are some of the areas of life where the self image (In America's case our trophy self image) messes up life.
1) It distorts and messes up time.
2) It sets us up for an imperfect life.
3) It sets us up for mispercieving reality.
4) It is the leading cause of divorce.
5) It not only causes depression; it keeps us away from pure happiness.
6) It causes wars and bloated defense budgets.
7) It is the chief cause of all emotionally challenged behavior; the reason why man from the earliest times has tried to figure out wisdom in order to make everyone wise to save society from the destruction of the self image's emotionally challenged behavior.
8) The self image is the factor that blocks the pure self. It is what we our selves integrate into the brain structure of our children. We create the best minds and yet we create faulty brains that generate trophy self images that ruin even our finances. Even the cause of the current economic crisis is at least partly due to our behavior being controlled by the trophy self image.
Our government and our mind scientists including main stream education must realize that managing and controlling behavior by trying to manage the animal human nature/the selfish and ignorant ego/the stink of the impure self - the phony self image is no longer the only option as our ancient sages had concluded. We have figured out how to create wise human beings; the first choice of our elders.
We must realize the huge cost in economic, emotional/body pain, hunger, crime, divorce, depression, poverty and all other ills due to emotionally challenged behavior. It can all now be replaced with wise behavior which will bring all kinds of physical as well as emotional benefits to all life. It will create a wise society. It will also take America and the world back on the road toward greatness.
Sajid Ali Khan
4th R Foundation
233 East, 59th Street
NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
Email: sajidalikhan2@gmail.com

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